
Showing posts from February, 2022

Counseling - Paul's reply : Dating Breakup

  Situation - Dating breakup Needing prayers , not only for me but the woman who broke up with me. I am very hurt but she needs healing in her life more than I could offer her My Reply :  Break up - has different situations. 1. An emotional distress - unable to support and to love 2. A decision was made : "to be left alone". 3. Each person goes a separate way (no strings attached ) Stay grounded with God's words. Talk to someone you trusted. If needed, talk to a Christian counselor. Usually, there are communication gaps and unmet needs prior to the "breakup". Usually, a man wants to protect, to provide companionship of the woman he loved -- being a rescuer. The relationship is often "tug-of-war" -being close then drift apart. (I need you , then I don't need you ). ---------------------- Being a man, stay cool. Pray God will bring her back . In the meantime, be the person for the "right" relationship. (whether with the same person or a ...

Counseling - Paul's reply

  Marital Situation: Please pray for my marriage. There are things I can't mention but my husband asked for a separation. I dreamed he did and then he did in real life. I am not sure why but I feel as though this is a demonic attack. Any advice is welcomed and so is scripture to back it up. Thanks ladies! God bless. My Reply : Usually, there are two possible reasons: 1. One of the spouse wants the other person to get back to the right path. 2. The spouse (especially the husband) is lining up for some other plans. He is straddle between two boats. --------------------- For #2 : 1) Write down the "warning lights" for the past few months up to 6 months ago. What I did or what I said that contributed to the current situation or vice versa ? 2) Go through the Pre-marital counseling worksheets to determine the areas of weakness in the marriage. I even think that each partner should give each other a report card every 6 months (or 3 months for a brief check-up --- like a ph...

Counseling - Paul's reply (autism / faith in God / Christian Life )

  A person needs Help ... (see my reply - section #B) Section #A Urgent: Please please cover me in prayer; I have broken/ dying faith and if I am not careful/ abandoned by the family of God and don’t belong I may lose my faith entirely ! I am so confused about the Bible and have many unanswered questions I have been having doubts and confusions pertaining to the Bible! I have been dealing with false ideas and lies and I feel like I am never good enough for God and that I won’t ever turn from my sins because of how I am neurologically made and that it’s impossible for me to understand certain parts of the Bible! My faith has relied on other people because I have never been able to get a concrete understanding because of my autism and often times need certain things visualized to me through other people and when that gets cut off I tend to struggle! I have been on the verge of giving up and felt like it is impossible to do the things I want to do because of my chronic illnesses ...

好奇心會摧毀基督徒嗎 - A Curious Christian - Christian Life

  好奇心會摧毀基督徒嗎 - A  Curious Christian  (Chinese version )   好奇心 - 基督徒   << click here   English version :    Does "Curiosity destroy a Christian?   <<< click here 

Soul / Body - Death

  Johnny Suen Soul & body / death - Example  Xiaoyue Jon  舉一個例子 靈魂 就如你在一間很大的集團公司工作 生命肉身 就如集團旗下的分行 有一日 你被公司集團分配到他旗下的其他分行工作 做了一段時間 你向集團公司提出 不想在這間分行了 就代表生命肉身死亡 但你仍是這間集團公司的員工 可能永遠都是 這間集團要看你過往的工作表現 再分配你其他工作 而耶穌的寶血就像大老闆 無私的投資一筆很大的錢到這個集團 只要信他 就保證所有的員工不會被炒

Pride - spiritual leader (English / Chinese ) Chinese Version The call of the New Testament is for church leaders to be pastor-theologians (1 Tim 1:3; 4:6; 6:3; 2 Tim 2:2; Titus 1:9; 2:1; 4:2). But to heed the call to be a pastor-theologian does not mean that faithful shepherds are seeking the approval of a larger guild of scholars. The pursuit of what Iain Murray calls, “intellectual respectability” is a futile venture that inevitably leads to theological compromise. 1 Pride, therefore, cannot be allowed to take root in the life of an aspiring pastor-theologian. The danger of emphasizing the biblical call for a shepherd to steep himself in God-centered theology is that knowledge, if not joined with humility and love, has the  tendency  to puff up (1 Cor 8:1). This propensity is not the fault of the knowledge it...

Systematic Theology

  Some examples of Systematic Theology in Outline formats: (easy to understand with scriptural references ) 1. 2. Each segment has the Outline PDF "Systematic Theology" & "Practical Theology" are more practical in the church than other types of theology : > biblical theology > historical theology

Covid 19- Dr. Erwin Lutzer - Moody Speaker - New and yet not new trend

  What to do when you don't know what to do  Speaker: Dr. Erwin Lutzer As Christians all over the United States adjust to the COVID-19 outbreak, many are asking: what should I do when I don't know what to do? In this sermon, Pastor Lutzer offers important lessons from the Old Testament and New Testament about how followers of Jesus should respond to challenging circumstances. We should: pray, not panic; praise, not flee; and proclaim the name of the Lord in all things. 2 Chronicles 20:1-23 If you enjoyed this video, please subscribe and give us a like. For more information about our Sunday morning service, visit If you'd like to keep posted on The Moody Church's response to COVID-19, please visit

Being Single -

  Being Single - a marital Status or a way of life  Each of Person is a Single :  1) never been married (or not marry yet ) 2) separated, divorced  3) widow / widowers  Dating/Marriage/Remarry (see #3)  has no time constraints, if there are no other critical factors.  Even married couple, each spouse has his/her own time to be alone or with their own friends, joins other activities  (without the spouse ).  Being Single does not mean being alone or feeling loneliness.  Each person's  perception, life situation, pursues/goals  of life  is different. Many single person set life goal which delays dating and/or  marriage.  Social circle / Social life depends on individual interests, time, and ability to participate. Milestones and stages of life can prolong or shorten of being Single.  Many people remains Single for life with appropriate adaptations.  In the Bible, God prepared a woman and brought Eve (...

Bible Topic - judging

  Nicholas Joseph  shared a post.    ·  8h    ·  Tr Wk 18h    ·  Matthew 7:4-5 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first ca… See more 5 You and 4 others 3 Comments 2 Shares Like Comment Share 3 Comments All comments  Paul Chang Experienced parent People often misunderstood this passage - Matthew 7:4-5 It is not against about Christians (imperfect) cannot have critical thinking or to speak the truth. Jesus told the parable to warn against the "self-righteousness" - the hypocrites group of people. (It speaks about those who judge others because I am better than you are, my role and position is higher than you, etc. ) 1) Critical thinking is not necessary a Critical Spirit (if it is based on fact, education, or set of premises -to think in a deeper level or from different experiences. The goal is not to disagree, but to offe...