Mental Health - Paul's article - Reset, Reboot, Restart


"Reset" , "Reboot", or "Restart"
Whenever something is not working correctly with my computer, I do a Restart process.
Although in life, many things cannot start all over again, but I can begin a new start from this point forward (from now on ).

Accept the fact, life is never the same.

A new journey of possibilities. With God, all things are possible of what He guides you.

---- Which lens you are using Matters ------
Telescope or Microscope - which one you are using now ?
>Telescope - to look further beyond the current situation
>Microscope - to enlarge 100x of the current situation

This is a link to 6 bible studies on mental health topics:
(for individual or group study )

1) Introduction of Mental Health
2) Depression
3) Anxiety
4) Psychotic Illness
5) Addiction
6) Self-Harm and Eating Disorder

For other topics studies - see link below:


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