Law & Gospel (Law & Faith /Grace of God ) - Paul's Facebook reply


Lately I’ve been distracted by things of this world. How do I know if I’m ready for Jesus, if I have enough oil in my lamp?


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  • Janet Alyce Hasler
    That is the devil creating doubt.
  • Marlene Karner Johnson
    I’ve wondered that myself.
  • Gary Wright
    Your question is coming from a LAW perspective. Faith is a gift. It's not something you do, but rather, what God gives. The Holy Spirit imparts the GIFT of faith through Gospel and Sacrament. Any time one asks questions which begin with "how much", "how often", (i.e. attempting to quantify) you can be sure you're asking a LAW question and not a GOSPEL question. Faith is always a gift.
    • Jayne Herther
      Gary Wright, Grace is also a gift, one that your answer seems to lack.
      • Gary Wright
        Jayne Herther I don't disagree with you, but that isn't what was asked. I answered the question. It was not meant to be an exhaustive list of all God's gifts. Such a list would be unending. Me thinks you are nit-picking a bit here. Anyway, happy new year!
      • Jayne Herther
        Gary Wright, the late Norman Geisler stated that to be effect evangelists, we must meet the person at their point of need. When someone is struggling with doubt, they need an evangelist, not a lecturer. Please consider the person as well as the question when giving an answer.
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      • Gary Wright
        Jayne Herther I believe I did so. Sorry you feel; otherwise.
      • Paul Chang
        Gary & Jayne Herther: Both of you are right. Those who understands Grace of God is actually creates Faith to those who believes.
        Grace & Faith are like twin (inseparable ). You cannot have one and not the other.
        No photo description available.
      • Paul Chang
        Jayne Herther: I am a little surprise that you quoted Norman Geisler & not understood Grace and Faith are like twin. I didn't feel Gary Wright was a lecturer as you suggested.
        Otherwise, how would an evangelist speaks about the Gospel. Law must be mentioned - either at the beginning or after Grace of God.
        a) Law: ( all come short of the glory of God ) or
        b) Grace of God: (while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us ).
        In the ER, a patient is hurting. The ER doctor must assess the patient condition first (even though the poking hurts ). The doctor must get to the right place in order to apply the proper medical treatment to help the patient.

      • Paul Chang
        That is a good question !
        Short answers: (Distractions of this world )
        1) The mind: "Do I have the Mind of Christ?"
        2) The behavior: Am I the imitator of Christ? (in action and speech)
        (Note: skip all the verses in Book of Revelation for now )
        Jesus told Oil in the Lamp parable about the end times - the final destination. It is like a child keep asking on a long driving trip : Are we there yet ?
        The adult driver has 2 main concerns:
        1) Am I heading to the right direction ?
        2) Is there enough fuel in the gas tank ?
        Enough oil in my lamp is NOT the same as : "Do I have enough gasoline in the gas tank? " or Should I keep checking the "oil level" ?
        ( Do I wait for the warning lights on the car's dashboard to turn on? )
        Faith / Christian life is not "quantity", but "quality" - according to God's standard and God's saving grace and mercy.
        The question of "enough oil" is for self-examination (asking the Holy Spirit to illuminate me about God's LAW and His Grace of my spiritual condition - how far away from being Jesus disciple.
        (so, it is both the LAW and the GOSPEL for "self-examination ).
        It is only the LAW if I am judging others or even to judge myself. At the Judgement Day, the one who judges me is Jesus himself - the one who died for my sins on the cross.
        As Luther once said (my paraphrase): The more I see my sins, the quicker I run to Jesus at the foot of His cross. (LAW & GOSPEL).
        In the Discipleship program, there is a list of activities to measure up "spirituality". I often followed these programs /activities without understand 2 of the basic Systematic Theology: Soteriology (the doctrine of salvation and Sanctification (being holy ) .
        The doctrine of sanctification is clearly explained in one place as the attached photo, which depicts the 4 phases of Salvation due to the duality of our natures (2 natures - old sinful nature and the new nature in Christ).:
        1) the past
        2) the present
        3) the future
        A. Duality of Natures
        (The first box : 1-2-3 Christians in English - then skip the Chinese section - to Discipleship Conference - in English / Chinese )
        B. 3 Pillars of Salvation
        3 Pillars of Salvation - Justification, Sanctification, Glorification
        (several slides - best view - turn mobile /tablet sideway)
        Side Note: ( Keep this link - I will update more )
        Basic Study of Systematic Theology Study -
        May be an image of text that says 'The Three Tenses of "Salvation" furtado You are being saved Past Tense: Separation from the Penalty of Sin You have been saved. Justification Corthans611Titus3 Colossians Present Tense: Romans Separation from the Power of Sin Sanctification Future Tense: Separation from the Presence of Sin Youl Glorification Matthew Hebrews Phiappians 6,2.12,13,2Cor 5:17 2Peter 18 Romans8:29 Conrthians Revelation210'


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