Rich and Poor - Bible Study (wealth, money, rich, gamble, stocks , retirement, career, )

Rich and Poor

Most of us have similar  ideas about to be rich and poor.
Rich and Poor can also be determined by different measurement.

Following are some Bible Verses about being "Rich" and "Poor"

Select at least one bible verse in each question (category).....and mediate on it. 

Bible verses about money << click here

Select one or more  bible verse to guide your thoughts. 

1.   What does having money mean to you? 
      What are your attitudes about money ?     

2.    What is a blessed life  and how do I respond with a blessed
        life?   Is it always good to have lots of money ?

3.  How do I know I have enough money ? 
     Is it important to work harder to earn more money ?

4.  Select one or more of your favorite Bible Verse (s) about money and wealth ......


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