
Showing posts from December, 2018

Chinese Christian - links 人生熱線, 聖經學習;聖經討論, 基督教, 信仰, 查考聖經 靈修

A-001   救恩与信仰目录 ;                     华人基督徒查经资料网站 A-010   天使心月刊 每日靈修—【靈情日記-舊約】<< Click this link A-020    人生熱線 (Life Helpline / Youtube & Articles ) <<< click this link ***************************************************************** Z-001     福音聯線 (other links )

Links - Reading (all levels )

A  -  Children B  -  Middle School C  -  High School D  -  College / Young Adults  A-01   Children Booklist  (preschool to 9th grade)   |||1|||1|||true A-02   Children Books - Author :  Beatrix Potter (300 titles )   
Teeth - A-01   Plague / Tatar  / Bacteria            Natural Toothpaste - to clean teeth, bacteria, etc.     <<  click this link A-02   Receding Gums - home remedy            Receding Gum - home remedy    <<  click this link          
Topic :    Devotion - Christian Life - World Vision Organization Be a Contagious Christian  - World Vision :  The true story of World Vision Founder (sponsoring children around the world ) “Always be prepared to give an answer to every one who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” 1st Peter 3:15 Most of us have heard stories from various people in our lives that have touched our hearts and impacted our lives. Story about Bob Pierce - a young missionary..... When I read the scripture above I was reminded of the story about a young missionary named Bob Pierce who while on a mission trip to China ran across a young Chinese girl whose widowed mother could not afford to send her to a mission school, and he felt such compassion that he gave all the money he had to help, which was only five dollars. However that was enough to enroll her in the school, and he committed to send money each month for her continued support. After returning to ...

Health - Men

A-01   20 Habits to Lower Men's Sperms